OUR OTHER BLOG: The Littlest Nunley

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2 Month Anniversary.

So October 1st was our 2 month anniversary and we are officially settled here in Idaho! Justin finally made it and most of our things have been put away in our new home! Its so cute & I love it. It's a two level, two bedroom, two bath townhouse with a little patio, but we love it just the same! I have taken some pictures of what we have already and I will post more when we are ALL done. (Although, I'm not sure anyone is ever really done decorating.)

<--Here is the front door to our humble abode. It's one of the units in a 4 unit building & our building is one of 6. (Each building is painted a different color but I like our blue the best.)

My favorite part of our new home is the living room. We have enough room in our new place for both of our couches, we have a fireplace and a built in nook for the TV directly above it. The best part of it all is that none of the walls are white! It really does feel like home even if it's not our own. As you can see, Justin is laying on the couch watching what else? ESPN of course.

Normally I would be in the kitchen (my territory) cooking or coloring with Kayla (Justin's niece), but I thought I would post this blog so I also took a picture of it. It's not very clean right now since Justin hasn't finished the dishes yet since the show came back on :-). As you can see here, there is plenty of room to make yummy meals so feel free to come and visit and I'll whip you up something delicious!!!!

-The Nunleys

Monday, September 15, 2008

Back to Normal

Justin arrived in Kuna on September 9th around 5:00pm. I had hidden a key for him under a basket on the porch, but then I got a call around 5:15. Apparently the other key the landlord had given us was not for the front door, but for the water heater/storage closet on the porch and I since I had locked the sliding door, he had no way to get in our new house. I couldn't very well leave him there sitting on our patio with Lola, the U-haul still attached to his car and no way to get in, so I had to leave work to come home from Boise all the way to Kuna (which is actually only about 15 miles).

When I got to our house I was so excited to see him and Lola that I just ran up to Lola, picked her up, and I carried her over and we had one big family hug! Since then we have been just unpacking, putting things away, and rearranging. It's been fun. The satellite man came and hooked up our satellite, I finally got the wireless internet working and we have a new land line phone number: 208-922-2811

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Move To Idaho: Part 1

Since moving to Idaho was going to be such a long drive and we had so much stuff, I asked my mom if she would come up and help. Since she already had the time off, she happily obliged my request. (Okay, maybe not happily) So on Sept. 2nd we set off from Medford, Oregon at about 8:00 am. The drive was said to take roughly 9 hours driving straight through. We thought surely we can do it faster than that....
The beginning of the drive was absolutely gorgeous. The latter stretch of Highway 62 takes you through Crater National Park and almost around the rim of Crater Lake.

So about 3 hours into our trip, somewhere in Eastern Oregon we came to a town called Christmas Valley. No, I am not kidding you. Every street in this town was a Christmas related word. One was Snowman Way and another was Candy Cane Lane; seriously. We even saw real live horses with stripes. They were not painted on either. This was their natural fur. It was the most bizarre place I have ever seen. Needless to say we decided to stop in the next town.

So on we drove; and drove, and drove and drove even more. After seeing lots empty fields and 138 miles of desolate rural highway(yes, one hundred and thirty eight miles) we finally came to the next town. We stopped for lunch because by now it was roughly 2:00 in the afternoon. A quick fill up at their local gas station (which sadly would be my last full service fill up since you aren't allowed to pump your own gas in Oregon) and we hit the road yet again.

After driving 2 more hours or so, we began to get sleepy. Mom pulled over and said she needed to sleep a bit. So us girls decided to lean back the seats (as far as they'd go which wasn't that far), pull out our pillows and set an alarm. And that's exactly what we did. We rolled up the windows closest to the road and down the ones facing each other and took a nap on the side of the road in the middle of absolutely no where.

Once my alarm went off 30 minutes later, we were off and running again. It wouldn't be for another 115 miles that we would see civilization again. This would come in the form of onion pickers. To get to Ontario, Oregon you cross over into mountain time. It was so funny to see the sign on the side of the road. So we set the clocks forward an our and we continued on. It was only about 45 minutes after we saw the time zone sign that we started to smell it. Yes. It was the unmistakably strong odor of onions. At first I thought I may have left my sandwich in the car, but the I realized that I hadn't brought it with me. Then I looked out the window and to my left and right were fields as far as the eye could see: full of onions.

Once through Onion-ville, we crossed into Idaho and I knew we must be close. By this time the sun was setting and it was getting late. I wanted to get to my new home and just go to sleep. I looked at the clock and it said 7:25. Yes, even with the time difference we had been in the car 10 hours!

Especially since we weren't successful in making the trip in a faster time than the GPS system told us we would, I was incredibly relieved when I saw the first sign with the name of our new town on it. It said "Kuna 26 miles" and I knew we were home free! I started to relax knowing I'd be home in a little bit and I could stretch my legs and check out the new digs. I took this picture that I though was so appropriate to signify the end of our trip. The beautiful sunset is the same one we've seen every night we've been here.
Now most everything we brought is unpacked and put away. All I am waiting on is the rest of my family. It is hard being so far away from Justin. He has been the most wonderful husband so far and in the 4 years we've been together we haven't been apart for more than 4 days at most. Tomorrow will be day number three. We'll see how well I'm doing this time next week.
If you'd like to send us any mail our address is:
1187 W. Art Ct.
Kuna, ID 83634
The New Nunley's (now in Idaho)